No. | Conference name | Conference name abbreviation | Conference Chinese name | SCI / EI / CPCI | Grade(A、B、C、D) |
1 | International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation | ION GNSS+ | 美国导航协会年会 | EI | A |
2 | European Geosciences Union, | EGU | 欧洲地学联合会 | / | A |
3 | AGU Fall Meeting | AGU | 美国地球物理联合会 | SCI | A |
4 | FIG Congress 2019 | FIG | 2019年国际测量师联合会 | A | |
5 | Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting | AOGS | 亚洲大洋洲地球科学学会年会 | A | |
6 | IAG assemble | IAG | 大地测量学会年会 | EI | A |
7 | International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics - General Assembly | IUGG General Assembly | 国际大地测量和地球物理大会 | SCI | A |
8 | International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress | ISPRS | 国际摄影测量与遥感学会大会 | EI | A |
9 | European Frequency and Time Forum | EFTF | 欧洲时间频率论坛 | SCI | B |
10 | IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium | plans | 定位与导航年会 | EI | B |
11 | International Conference on Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-based Service | UPINLBS | 泛在定位、室内导航和位置服务国际会议 | EI | B |
12 | American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Conference | ASPRS | 美国摄影测量与遥感学会年会 | EI | B |
13 | ESA Dragon Symposium | Dragon | 欧空局龙计划年度学术研讨会 | / | B |
14 | ESA Fringe Workshop | Fringe | 欧空局雷达干涉测量学术研讨会 | / | B |
15 | European Signal Processing Conference | EUSIPCO | 欧洲信号处理会议 | EI | B |
16 | IPIN International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation | IPIN | 室内定位和室内导航国际会议 | EI | B |
17 | International Academy of Astronautics(IAA) Conference on Space Situational Awareness (ICSSA) | ICSSA | 国际宇航学会空间态势感知会议 | B | |
18 | Photogrammetric Week | PhoWo | 国际摄影测量周(德国斯图加特大学摄影测量研究所主办) | B | |
19 | IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision | ICCV | 国际计算机视觉大会 | EI、CCF | B |
20 | European Conference on Computer Vision | ECCV | 欧洲计算机视觉国际会议 | B | |
21 | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | CVPR | 电气与电子工程师协会计算机视觉与模式识别国际会议 | EI | B |
22 | British Machine Vision Conference | BMVC | 英国机器视觉会议 | B | |
23 | Asian Conference on Computer Vision | ACCV | 亚洲计算机视觉会议 | EI、CCF | B |
24 | Society of Exploration Geophysicists | SEG | 勘探地球物理学家学会 | SCI ,EI 或 ISTP | B |
25 | Annual Conference of the International Communication Association | ICA | 国际制图协会大会 | SCI | B |
26 | IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | IGARSS | 电气与电子工程师协会国际地球科学与遥感大会 | SCI, EI, CPCI | B |
27 | ISPRS Geospatial Week | GSW | 国际摄影测量与遥感学会地理空间周 | EI | B |
28 | International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment | ISRSE | 国际环境遥感大会 | SCI, EI, CPCI | B |
29 | International Symposium on Digital Earth | ISDE | 数字地球国际会议 | SCI,EI | B |
30 | Digital Earth Summit on Geoinformatics | DESG | 数字地球高峰论坛 | / | B |
31 | International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology | MMT | 移动测量技术国际研讨会 | / | B |
32 | International Conference on GeoComputation | GeoComputation | 地学计算国际会议 | SCI, EI, CPCI | B |
33 | International Conference on Geoinformatics | Geoinformatics | 地球空间信息科学国际会议 | EI, CPCI | B |
34 | International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics | Agro-Geoinformatics | 农业地理信息国际研讨会 | EI, CPCI | B |
35 | International Symposium on Atmospheric Light Scattering and Remote Sensing | ISALSaRS | 国际大气光散射及遥感大会 | / | B |
36 | International Laser Radar Conference | ILRC | 国际激光雷达大会 | / | B |
37 | The Multispectral Lidar Workshop | MLW | 多光谱激光雷达研讨会 | / | B |
38 | AAG Annual Meeting | AAG | 美国地理学家协会年会 | SCI, CPCI | B |
39 | AGILE Conference | AGILE | 欧洲地理信息科学年会 | SCI | B |
40 | Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation Conference | IPIN | 室内定位室内导航国际会议 | EI | B |
41 | Asia GIS Conference | AGISC | 亚洲地理信息大会 | / | B |
42 | International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems | ITSC | 国际智能交通系统大会 | SCI, EI, CPCI | B |
43 | IEEE International Conference on Image Processing | ICIP | 电气与电子工程师协会图像处理国际会议 | SCI, EI, CPCI | B |
44 | International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing | ICISIP | 国际智能系统与图像处理大会 | EI | B |
45 | IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition | ICPR | 电气与电子工程师协会国际模式识别大会 | EI | B |
46 | Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet workshop 2019 | HKT2019 | 喜马拉雅-喀喇昆仑-西藏国际地学研讨会 | SCI,EI | B |
47 | International Astronomomical Union | IAU | 国际天文大会 | EI | B |
48 | Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring | JISDM | 变形监测国际联合会议 | B | |
49 | Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference | AMOS | 光学和空间监视夏威夷国际会议 | B | |
50 | European Conference on Space Debris | ECSPD | 欧洲空间碎片会议 | B |
*The data comes from:
The purpose of the program is to compute the initial eclipse time of the first lunar eclipse in 2019, when the moon just entered the umbra, based on the DE421 and SOFA.
RTKLIB是全球导航卫星系统GNSS(global navigation satellite system)的标准&精密定位开源程序包,RTKLIB由日本东京海洋大学(Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)的高须知二(Tomoji Takasu)开发。RTKLIB由一个便携式程序库和多个AP(应用程序)工具库组成。RTKLIB的主要功能有:
Algorithm interpretation
The starting curve is an ordered set of points or lines and the distance dimension ε > 0.
The algorithm recursively divides the line. Initially it is given all the points between the first and last point. It automatically marks the first and last point to be kept. It then finds the point that is furthest from the line segment with the first and last points as end points; this point is obviously furthest on the curve from the approximating line segment between the end points. If the point is closer than ε to the line segment, then any points not currently marked to be kept can be discarded without the simplified curve being worse than ε.
If the point furthest from the line segment is greater than ε from the approximation then that point must be kept. The algorithm recursively calls itself with the first point and the furthest point and then with the furthest point and the last point, which includes the furthest point being marked as kept.
When the recursion is completed a new output curve can be generated consisting of all and only those points that have been marked as kept.